Gutterballs | reviewed by: William O'Donnell | August 9, 2020
entertainment value
Aside from some decent blood f/x, everything about this film is terrible. Irredeemable display of gore and sexual abuse.
genre Horror
synopsis A brutally sadistic rape leads to a series of bizarre gory murders during a midnight disco bowl-a-rama at a popular bowling alley. One by one, players of two teams meet blood-drenched gruesome deaths at the hand of a black bowling-gloved masked killer. This alley runs red with blood by sunrise.
lead actors Alastair Gamble | Mihola Terzic | Nathan Witte | Wade Gibb | Candice Lewald | Jeremy Beland | Trevor Gemma | Nathan Dashwood | Scott Alonzo | Jimmy Blais | Danielle Munro | Stephanie Schacter | Saraphina Bardeaux | Dan Ellis | Brandon Dix
director Ryan Nicholson