Microwave Massacre | reviewed by: William O'Donnell | January 31, 2022
entertainment value
Even for a cornball movie this can be overly corny. Does not make microwaves menacing. Fans of cheese might be able to stand the odour.
genre Horror
synopsis Construction worker Donald is having a hard time getting anything good to eat since his wife has decided to only cook gourmet foods. That and her constant harping causes him to snap, so he whacks her. Somewhere in the confusion he comes up with a new use for the microwave oven, and begins to eat much better. Soon he's experimenting with different recipes. And different meats.
lead actors Jackie Vernon | Loren Schein | Al Troupe | Marla Simon | Claire Ginsberg | Lou Ann Webber | Anna Marlowe | Phil De Carlo | Alex Mann | Robert A. Burns | Wayne Berwick | John Harmon
director Wayne Berwick