The Dead Next Door | reviewed by: William O'Donnell | February 7, 2022
entertainment value
Tons of extras getting covered in gore. A shame it switches to home-movie/VHS picture quality.
genre Horror
synopsis The government sets up a zombie squad after an epidemic has made the world run rampant with living corpses. The team head off to Ohio to try and find a cure but soon run into a crazy cult of zombie lovers who are set on preserving the walking dead as they believe it's God's will.
lead actors Pete Ferry | Bogdan Pecic | Michael Grossi | Jolie Jackunas | Robert Kokai | Floyd Ewing Jr. | Maria Markovic | Jon Killough | Scott Spiegel | Michael Todd | J.R. Bookwalter | Jennifer Mullen | Barbara Katz-Norrod | Bill Morrison | James L. Edwards | Scott P. Plummer | Bruce Campbell
director J.R. Bookwalter